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 The Full Story 

Jewel Hurt started envisioning the idea for KROW while studying as a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania. While Jewel originally entered the Education Entrepreneurship Master’s program with a plan to digitize a career-readiness curriculum for teenagers, her focus quickly shifted when she discovered a different problem that begged to be solved. 



Over and over again, Jewel was hearing that today’s teens are under an extreme amount of pressure to do it all. Caring adults urge them to make good grades, play sports, join clubs, volunteer, and still strive to have fun and maintain a social life. As a result, it’s become increasingly more difficult for teens who wish to work a part-time job as they don’t have the time or schedule flexibility to get hired. As someone who began working at age 14, Jewel couldn’t help but wonder what teens are missing out on when they can’t work to earn their own money, pay for new experiences, contribute to their savings goals, and most importantly learn, practice, and improve upon critical life skills.


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